bautizo de buceo en lanzarote

Have you ever thought about getting started in the world of diving? But for fear of running out of oxygen or being “eaten by a shark” you have never dared……. Don’t worry, today you can start your scuba diving adventure with the help of a diving instructor in complete safety. If you are determined! It’s time for your diving baptism or Discover Scuba Diving.

A diving baptism consists of a first contact with the world of scuba diving, and opens the doors for you to be able to explore the underwater depths with ease.

Do not worry, you will not be alone, you will be with a diving instructor from start to finish.

We must bear in mind that a diving baptism or Discover Scuba Diving consists of a theoretical part where all the safety information will be explained to you, some exercises that you will have to do underwater, what the equipment is made of and what it is for and another where you will practice diving at a shallow depth.

The maximum depth of 12 meters is reached.

Requirements to carry out a diving baptism

  • The minimum age for a diving baptism is 8 years.
  • It is not mandatory to know how to swim to do a diving baptism, although it is highly recommended.
  • At all times you will go with your instructor and in most cases he is the one who will take you by the hand throughout the baptism.

What is the maximum depth of the diving baptism?

As we have mentioned before, the maximum depth is 12 meters for people over 8 years old, but children of 8 years old go down to 2-3 meters.

What differences are there between the baptism of the sea and the diving course?

The main difference between the baptism and a diving course is that with the first you do not obtain a diver’s license and the training is not as extensive. Let us remember that the diving baptism is only an experience guided by an instructor so that you can enjoy scuba diving and check if you like it.

On the other hand, with a course like the Open Water Diver you will learn to use your equipment, neutral buoyancy and you will be able to dive with more divers and a guide, go deeper and access other diving specialties such as night diving, cave diving. , sunken ships, etc.

At NorthDiving Lanzarote we have a Diving Baptism course and more advanced courses that you can see at the following link. Information diving courses in Lanzarote

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